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C for Cache
abbreviation / acronyms | Term | Definition |
C-GREX | Chaos Game Representation Explorer | a handy Bioinformatics tool for exploring the sequence visualization and pattern analysis of biological sequences including RNA, DNA and amino acid sequences. |
C++ / CPP | C Plus Plus | Object-oriented programming language based on C. Also, filename extension. |
C2A | Click-to-Action | A method for implementing cooperative portlets, whereby users can click an icon on a source portlet to transfer data to one or more target portlets. |
C4S | command, control, communications, and computer systems |
C64/128 | Commodore 64/128 | The C64 computer to this day holds the record for being the most successful model of computer ever made with even the lowest estimates being in the tens of millions. Its big brother, the C128, was not quite as popular but still sold several million units. |
C&SI | consulting and system integration | Consulting & SI job or industry |
CA |
CaaS | Communications as a Service | The utilization of enterprise-class communications applications and technology (such as IP telephony, contact center services and unified communications) is offered as a service. |
CAD/ CAM | Computer-Aided Design / Manufacturing | Also known by engineers and architects as the best invention of all time. Today, CAD software is used for nearly all three-dimensional designing. Designers can turn an object into an electronic representation more quickly and accurately than by diagraming it with a pencil and paper. |
CAI | Common Air Interface | A standard that defines technical parameters for control and information signals passed between a radio transmitter and receiver, so that communication may take place between equipment manufactured by different companies. |
CAL | Client Access License | A Microsoft software license program. The cost of clients accessing specially licensed servers. There are typically two methods of licensing access to a server or a separately-priced service. These were previously known as "Per- server or per-seat. |
CALEA | Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act | This is a U.S. legal framework enabling telephone call interception in certain circumstances. Please refer to for further details. |
CAMA | centralized automatic message accounting | An automatic message accounting system that serves more than one switch from a central location. |
CAMEL | Customized Application for Mobile networks Enhanced Logic | a feature of GSM that allows users to roam between networks. CAMEL is a standard that is now starting to be deployed. |
CAN-SPAM | Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing |
a law passed by the U.S. Congress in 2003 (15 U.S.C. 7701) providing penalties for sending deceptive mass e-mails. The act required the Federal Trade Commission to investigate whether or not to establish a national Do Not E-mail registry |
CAP | carrierless amplitude phase modulation | A multilevel, multiphase encoding method for transmitting data over twisted pair lines. It is a superset of the legacy protocol used by analog modems. |
CAPA | CA Productivity Accelerator | a set of interactive features and functions to help ease training, navigation, use and process adoption of the product once it is live and in use in the field. |
CAPE | concurrent art-to-product environment | A design approach that brings together a variety of synergistic applications, including visualization, rapid prototyping, analysis, materials selection, machining and cost estimation. |
caps | capital letters | capital letters |
CAPTCHA | Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart | a challenge-response system test designed to differentiate humans from automated programs. |
CAR | committed access rate | A metric used in network quality-of-service agreements to classify and limit customer traffic and manage excess traffic according to the network policy. |
CARE | Customer Account Record Exchange | National guidelines for the formats and language used in mechanized exchanges of Equal Access-related information between Interexchange Carriers and telephone companies. |
CAROT | Centralized Automatic Reporting on Trunks | A mechanized system for testing of trunks to ensure that trunks are accessible to traffic, function properly during call setup and termination, and provide a proper transmission path during a call. |
CARP | Common Address Redundancy Protocol | Allows multiple hosts on the same local network to share a set of IP addresses among them |
CART | command and response token | An 8-byte token that is added to write-to-operator (WTO) commands; it enables the response WTO to be associated with the command that invoked it. |
CASE | computer-aided software engineering | An umbrella term for a collection of application development tools designed to increase programmer productivity. |
CAT n | Category n | As in Category 5 (Cat 5), 5e (enhanced), 6 or 6e copper cabling typically used in buildings to connect PCs and telephony handsets to hubs or switches. The category indicates a specific gauge of wiring. |
CATI | computer-aided telephone interviewing | Technology used facilitate information gathering via phone interviews (for example, for survey purposes). |
CATIA | Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application | a multi-platform CAD/CAM/CAE commercial software suite developed by the French company Dassault Systemes and marketed worldwide by IBM |
CATP | Caffeine Access Transport Protocol | Common method of moving caffeine across Wide Area Networks such as the Internet . CATP was first used at the Binary Cafe in Cybertown and quickly spread world-wide. |
CATS | Calling Card & Third Number Settlement | An telephone company system for ICS (intercompany settlements) processed through CMDS (Centralized Message Distribution System). |
CATV | community antenna television (or Cable TV system) | Commonly known as "cable TV." Television signals are received at a selected site and retransmitted to subscribers via a cable network. Additional channels, not normally available in that area, can also be transmitted. |
CAV | Constant Angular Velocity | A method of reading (or writing) data from (or to) a spinning disk. As data is read from the disk, the drive motor always spins at the same speed. |
cB | C Beautifier | A tool for tidying the syntax of source code. |
CBC | cipher block chaining | A method of reducing repetitive patterns in ciphertext by performing an exclusive-OR operation on each 8-byte block of data with the previously encrypted 8-byte block before it is encrypted. |
CBL | Composite Blocking List | Takes its source data from very large spamtraps/mail infrastructures, and only lists IPs exhibiting characteristics which are specific to open proxies of various sorts which have been abused to send spam, worms/viruses that do their own mail transmission |
CBN | common bonding network | The set of metallic components that are intentionally or incidentally interconnected to provide the principal means for effecting bonding and grounding inside a telecommunications building. |
CBQ | Class-Based Queuing | A public domain QoS methodology for classifying packets and queuing them according to criteria defined by an administrator to provide differential forwarding behavior for each traffic class |
CBP | Certifed Biometrics Professional |
IEEE program focuses on the relevant knowledge and skills needed to apply biometrics to real-world challenges and applications. |
cbr files | Comic Book Archive | CBR files rarred file archives with their extension changed from .rar to .cbr |
CBT | Computer Based Training | A form of education in which the student learns by executing special training programs on a computer. Unlike Web-based training programs, CBT does not require an Internet connection. |
CBWFQ | Class-Based Weighted Fair Queueing | Extends the standard WFQ functionality to provide support for user-defined traffic classes. For CBWFQ, you define traffic classes based on match criteria including protocols, ACLs, and input interfaces |
cc | carbon copy | An option in most e-mail programs, it allows you to send duplicate copies of an e-mail message. When you type a recipient's e-mail address in the cc field, it is viewable to everyone who receives the e-mail message . |
CC | closed captioning | A service that transmits text captions for a television program and can be displayed on any modern television with a display size measuring greater than 13 inches (33 cm) diagonally. |
CCA | Citrix Certified Administrator | Entry to mid level certification for IT professionals who want to “demonstrate product expertise on Citrix platform products |
CCAs | composite content applications | case management and front-end access for field personnel to complex back-end applications |
CCC | Clear Channel Capability | A characteristic of a transmission path in which the bit position allocated for customer data may represent any combination of zeros and ones. . Also refer to Clear Channel |
CCD | Charge Coupled Device | a solid-state chip containing a series of tiny, light-sensitive photosites and was originally developed by Honeywell . The heart of all electronic and digital cameras. |
CCD+ | Cash Concentration and Disbursement plus addenda | One of the primary message formats necessary for enterprise-initiated payments to traverse the U.S. national banks' clearinghouse system. The format is limited to a single addendum record (one invoice, one payment), and many banks can process it. |
CCF | call control function | The network intelligence that provides call/connection processing and control. |
CCH | connections per circuit hour |
CCHIT | Certification Commission for Health Information Technology | A voluntary, private sector organization launched in 2004 to certify health information technology (HIT) products such as electronic health records and the networks over which they interoperate. |
CCI | controlled cryptographic item | Secure telecommunications or information handling equipment, or associated cryptographic component, that is unclassified but governed by a special set of control requirements. |
CCIE | Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert | Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert. |
CCIR | Comite Consultatif International des Radio Communications | Abbreviation of the French name for the International Radio Communications Consultative Committee, now part of the ITU. |
CCIS | common-channel interoffice signaling | In multichannel switched networks, a method of transmitting all signaling information for a group of trunks by encoding it and transmitting it over a separate channel using time-division digital techniques. |
CCITT | International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee | French acronym for the international standards organization. Part of the United National ITU. |
CCL | Communications Control Language | a file that dialers and browsers use to control the modem connection. These files should not be changed except by the supplied editor. |
CCNA | Cisco Certified Network Associate | Cisco Certified Network Associate |
ccNSO | Country Code Names Supporting Organization | the policy-development body for a narrow range of global issues regarding ccTLD within the ICANN structure. |
CCOW | Clinical Context Object Workgroup | A group that defines standards for collaboration among applications on clinical workstations. Originally an independent consortium, CCOW is now technical committee of the HL7 standards organization. |
CCP | Certified Computer Professional | The award for successful completion of a comprehensive examination on computers. Also Certificate in Computer Programming. |
CCPM | Critical Chain Project Management | Lean methodology for doing projects |
CCSA | common control switching arrangement | An arrangement in which switching for a private network is provided by one or more common control switching systems. |
CCSE | Checkpoint Certified Security Expert | Checkpoint Certification. Stage 2 after completing the CCSA |
ccTLD | country code Top-Level Domain | an Internet top-level domain generally used or reserved for a country or a dependent territory. |
CCTV | Closed-Circuit Television |
A networked camera used for surveillance, process monitoring and other purposes. |
CD | Compact Disc | An optical form of storage media, typically used for audio and software programs. |
CD Table | change-data table | In SQL replication, a replication table on the Capture control server that contains changed data for a replication source table. |
CDB | capacity database | capacity database |
CDC | call data channel | The logical link between the device performing an electronic surveillance access function and the LEA (law enforcement agency) that primarily carries call-identifying information. |
CDDI | Copper Distributed Data Interface | An American National Standards Institute specification for transmitting FDDI signals over copper media. CDDI runs on both shielded and unshielded twisted-pair cabling. |
CDE | common desktop environment | popular commercial window manager (and much more -- as its name touts, it is more of a desktop environment) that runs under X-Windows. Free work-alike versions are also available. |
bA way of defining the server-push channels for accessing frequently changing web content.
CDFS | compact disc file system | Controls access to the contents of CD-ROM drives. Based on the ISO 9660 Standard (but extends it to allow long and double-byte filenames). |
CDH | Customer Data Hub | Oracle MDM product |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access | A digital cellular phone service that offers up to 20 times more call-handling capacity than conventional cellular systems by assigning a special electronic code to each signal. |
CDN | content-delivery network | A network specializing in the delivery of streaming audio and video. |
CDO | care delivery organization | A category of enterprises that use healthcare information systems. CDOs are organizations, such as hospitals and physician practices, whose primary mission is to deliver healthcare-related services. |
CDPD | Cellular Digital Packet Data | A packet data protocol standard for sending wireless data, it was developed for use on cellular phone frequencies. It transmits data in packets on unused cellular channels (in the 800MHz to 900 MHz range). |
CD-R | Compact Disc—Recordable | a type of CD that can be recorded by the user. CD-Rs have the same capacity and are readable in the same drives as ordinary CDs |
CD-ROM | compact disc read-only memory | A version of the standard CD intended to store general-purpose digital data. CD-ROMs can store a wide variety of data, such as music, video and graphics. |
CD-RW | Compact disc-rewritable | Replacing the CD-ROM in desktop computers is the CD-RW, standing for Compact Disc Rewritable. The CD-RW lets you create backup files or make music compilations by "writing" the files on the disc. |
CDS | Correlated Double Sampling | Technology to clean the image signal during scanning |
CDT | C/C++ Development Tools | Eclipse subproject working towards providing a fully functional C and C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the Eclipse platform |
CDV | Cell Delay Variation | A QoS parameter that measures the difference between the transfer delay of a single cell transfer delay and the expected transfer delay. |
CE router | Customer edge router | A router that is part of a customer network and that interfaces to a provider edge (PE) router. |
CEA | Consumer Electronics Association | CEA is the industry authority on market research and forecasts; consumer surveys; legislative and regulatory news; engineering standards; training resources. |
CEAP | cloud-enabled application platforms | cloud-enabled application platforms |
CEBP | communication-enabled business process | key capability of UC is that it offers a method to integrate communication functions directly with business applications |
CeCILL | CEA CNRS INRIA Logiciel Libre | Free Software license adapted to both International and French legal matters, in the spirit of and retaining compatibility with the GNU General Public License. |
CEH | Certified Ethical Hacker | Certification in IT security issued by The International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) |
CEIM | Common Enterprise Information Model | the ability to define actions and execute processes right from BI metadata |
CELL/B.E. | Cell Broadband Engine | A breakthrough microprocessor with unique capabilities for applications requiring video, 3D graphics, or high-performance computation for imaging, security, visualization, health care, surveillance, and more. |
cellphone | Cellular Telephone | A mobile, wireless telephone that communicates with a local transmitter using a short-wave analog or digital transmission. |
CELP | code-excited linear prediction | An analog-to-digital voice coding scheme. |
CEM | customer experience management | Aligning executive involvement, operational processes, organizational structure, and technology infrastructure to stimulate, anticipate, and satisfy customer needs. |
CEMF | Cisco Element Management Framework | Collects fault information from various sources.Network elements, such as routers or switches, may report fault conditions as SNMP traps, Syslog messages |
CEP | complex event processing | Sofware infrastructure that can detect patterns of events (and expected events that didn’t occur) by fltering, correlating, contextualizing, and analyzing data captured from disparate live data sources to respond as defned using the platform’s development tools. |
CEPS | Common Electronic Purse Standard | A standard endorsed by Visa and American Express for electronic purse (e-purse) or stored-value applications on smart cards. |
CER | Corporate Error Reporting | Tool that allows IT Administrators to manage error reports and error messages created by the Windows Error Reporting client (WER) in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 |
CERN | Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire | The original, French name of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. A nuclear research laboratory where the World Wide Web was invented. |
CERT | Computer Emergency Response Team | A group formed in 1998 by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
CES | Character Encoding Scheme Consumer Electronics Show |
A CES is character encoding form plus byte serialization. There are seven character encoding schemes in Unicode: UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE, and UTF-32LE. CES is a major technology-related trade show held each January in the Las Vegas Convention Center. |
CESID | caller's emergency service identification | The number used to identify the calling terminal within the context of the emergency service call. |
CEVA | content-enabled vertical application | CEVAs typically help to automate complex processes that previously required workers to sort through paper documents and other forms of content manually. |
CF | Compact Flash | a very small removable mass storage device. First introduced in 1994 by SanDisk Corporation, CF memory Cards weigh a half ounce and are the size of a matchbook. CF memory Card is the world's most popular removable mass storage device. |
CFB | Ciphertext feedback | a mode of operation for a block cipher. In contrast to the CBC mode, which encrypts a set number of bits of plaintext at a time, it is at times desirable to encrypt and transfer some plaintext values instantly one at a time, for which ciphertext feedback is a method. |
CfMD | Certified for Microsoft Dynamics | a label for add-on products that ISV have built to expand the functionality of Dynamics |
CFMN | Client For Microsoft Networks | 32-bit, protected-mode network client for Windows 9x that provides the redirector and other software components for Microsoft networking |
CFV | Call For Votes | Initiates the voting period for a Usenet newsgroup. At least one email address is customarily included as a repository for the votes. |
CG | Computer Graphics | graphics created using computers and, more generally, the representation and manipulation of pictorial data by a computer. |
CGA | Colour Graphics Adaptor | A computer standard using digital signals offering a resolution of 320 by 200 pixels, a palette of 16 colors. |
CGM | Consumer-generated media | any written, audio or video content created by end users, using basic or semiprofessional tools. |
CGMP | Cisco Group Multicast Protocol | A form of IGMP snooping that lets the switch send multicasts only to the ports on a VLAN that are participating in the multicast |
CHAP | Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol | A security protocol used by a server to grant or deny system access based on a client-supplied password, which is encrypted prior to transmission. |
Charset | character set | A set of characters used in Windows. Charsets refer to the same collections of characters as those defined by Windows code pages. |
chat | conversational hypertext access technology | A form of interactive online typewritten communication that allows participants ("members") to engage in text-message conferencing, via real-time computer networking over designated communications facilities |
CHIPS | Clearing House Interbank Payments System | A clearing system that processes very large payments (valued at an average of $1.4 trillion a day) in more than 27 countries. |
ChR | channel reliability | The percentage of time a channel was available for use in a specified period of scheduled availability |
cHTML | Compact Hypertext Markup Language | A proprietary version of HTML adopted by NTT DoCoMo for i-mode. |
CIA | confidentiality, integrity, and availability | InfoSec dimensions. |
CICS | Customer Information Control System | A software program designed to OLTP, it was developed by IBM. It is one of the most widely used programs for creating customer transaction systems. |
CIDR | Classless Internet Domain Routing | A protocol that allows for variable-length addresses that allows for more- and less-specific routing information. This replaces the old class A, class B, class C routing scheme. |
CIE | Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage | An organization that has established a number of widely-used color definitions. |
CIFS | Common Internet File System | the file sharing protocol that forms the basis of Microsoft Windows networking. Formerly known as SMB (Server Message Block), it is also supported by UNIX and Linux systems using the Samba software package. |
CIK | crypto-ignition key | device or electronic key used to unlock the secure mode of crypto-equipment. |
CIM | Common Information Model Corporate Information Management Computer Integrated Manufacturing |
Provides a common definition of management information for systems, networks, applications and services, and allows for vendor extensions The organizational structure must be capable of managing this information throughout ... Information management is a corporate responsibility that needs to be ... manufacturing approach of using computers to control the entire production process. |
CINDER | Cyber Insider Threat | program soliciting from outsiders novel techniques to insider-threat detection |
CIO | chief information officer | The top executive in charge of IT in an enterprise. |
CIP | Common Industrial Protocol | an open industrial protocol for industrial automation applications. |
CIPA | Children’s Internet Protection Act | a law passed by Congress in 2000 (47 USC 254) requiring libraries to use blocking programs to prevent access to Internet sites with objectionable content |
CiR | circuit reliability | The percentage of time a circuit was available for use in a specified period of scheduled availability. |
CIR | committed information rate | The average data rate that a carrier commits to support over a given virtual circuit between two end-user sites. The commitment is over a specified period of time, typically one month. |
CISC | Complex Instruction Set Computer | a computer with many different machine language instructions. The IBM PC, 68000-based Macintosh, Pentium, IBM 370 mainframe, and VAX are CISC machines. |
CISO | chief information security officer | The chief executive responsible for information security in an enterprise. The CISO's responsibilities often bridge the gap between technical security measures and security-related business practices and policies. |
CISSP | Certified Information Systems Security Professional | A certification program administered by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium |
CIX | Commercial Internet Exchange | An agreeement among network providers that allows them to do accounting for commercial traffic. It is primarily a concern for network providers. |
CJK / CJKV | Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (Vietnamese) | A reference to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages. Sometimes a “V” for Vietnamese is added to the acronym. |
CKD | count key data | In mainframe computing, a data-record format employing self-defining record formats |
CKO | chief knowledge officer | The enterprise position responsible for articulating and championing an enterprise's knowledge management (KM) vision, and for providing enterprise level leadership for implementing and managing the KM program |
C/kT | carrier-to-receiver noise density | In satellite communications, the ratio of the received carrier power to the receiver noise power density. |
CLA | Corporate License Agreement | A licensing agreement option under Novell's "Customer Connections" program. It offers an alternative for midsize organizations that cannot qualify for Novell's Master License Agreement. |
CLASS | Custom Local Area Signaling Services | A generic term describing several local service offerings such as incoming-call identification, call trace, call blocking, automatic return of the most recent incoming call, automatic re-dial, selective call forwarding, etc. |
CLEC | Competitive Local Exchange Carrier | A telephone company that competes with other local phone companies within an exchange, or calling area, to provide local telephone service |
CLI | ![]()
CLIPS | C Language Integrated Production System | Productive development and delivery expert system tool which provides a complete environment for the construction of rule and/or object based expert systems |
CLLI | Common Language Location Identifier | 11-character code that identifies the wire center from which a call originated. |
CLM | Contract lifecycle management | an integral, back offce technology in many life science segments, including managed-care and payer organizations. |
CLNP | ConnectionLess Network Protocol | The International Organization for Standardization's OSI protocol for providing the OSI Connectionless Network Service (datagram service). |
CLOB | character large object | A data type that contains a sequence of characters (single-byte, multibyte, or both) that can range in size from 0 bytes to 2 gigabytes less 1 byte. |
CLTP | ConnectionLess Transport Protocol | Provides for end-to-end Transport data addressing (via Transport selector) and error control (via checksum), but cannot guarantee delivery or provide flow control. |
CLUSRCVR | cluster-receiver channel | A channel on which a cluster queue manager can receive messages from other queue managers in the cluster, and cluster information from the repository queue managers. |
CLUSSDR | cluster-sender channel | A channel on which a cluster queue manager can send messages to other queue managers in the cluster, and cluster information to the repository queue managers. |
CLUT | Color LookUp Table | The color options in a graphics system, arranged by index number. Typically, the system has a default color map. The index of colors in the color map can be reallocated, however, depending on the application. |
CLV | Constant Linear Velocity | A technology which revolves around (no pun intended) rotating a disk at varying speeds. By changing rotation speed depending on which track is being accessed, the density of bits in each track can be made uniform. |
CMA | Circular Mil Area | A unit of area equal to the area of a circle whose diameter is 1 mil (0.001 inch). Used chiefly in specifying cross-sectional areas of conductors. |
CMC | computer-mediated communication | human communication via computers and includes many different forms of synchronous, asynchronous or real-time interaction that humans have with each other using computers as tools to exchange text, images, audio and video. |
CMDB | configuration management database | CMDB is a database that contains all relevant information about the components of the information system used in an organization's IT services and the relationships between those components. |
CME | Common Malware Enumeration | CME number is a unique, vendor-neutral identifier for a particular threat. The CME initiative is an effort headed by the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), in collaboration with key organizations within the security community. |
CMIP | Common Management Information Protocol | The International Organization for Standardization's OSI network management protocol. |
CMM | Capability Maturity Model | Strategy for improving the software process, irrespective of the actual life-cycle model used |
CMOS | complementary metal-oxide semiconductor | a type of integrated circuit noted for its extremely low power consumption and its vulnerability to damage from static electricity. CMOS devices are used in digital watches, pocket calculators, microprocessors, and computer memories. |
CMOT | CMip Over Tcp | An effort to use the International Organization for Standardization's OSI network management protocol to manage TCP/IP networks. |
CMRR | common-mode rejection ratio | The ratio of the common-mode interference voltage at the input of a circuit, to the corresponding interference voltage at the output. |
CMRS | Commercial Mobile Radio Service | A radio communication service between mobile stations or receivers and land stations, or by mobile stations communicating among themselves, that is provided for profit, and that makes interconnected service available to the public. |
CMTS | cable modem termination system | a system of devices located in the cable head-end that allows cable television operators to offer high-speed Internet access to home computers. |
CNA | Converged Network Adapter | a technology that supports data networking (TCP/IP) and storage networking (Fibre Channel) traffic on a single I/O adapter. |
CNAM | Caller ID With Name | Caller ID With Name |
CNAME | Canonical name |
CNE | Certified Novell Engineer (also Certified Network Engineer) | A certification initiated by Novell to qualify certain individuals that have demonstrated high standards of knowledge in the areas of hardware used in and software configuration of the Novell Network operating system. |
CNGI | China's Next Generation Internet | Chinese: 中国下一代互联网, a five year plan initiated by the Chinese government with the purpose of gaining a significant position in the future development of the Internet through the early adoption of IPv6. |
CNN | Cable News Network composite network node |
Cable News Network (CNN) is a U.S. cable news channel founded in 1980 by Ted Turner. A type 5 node and its subordinate type 4 nodes that support APPN network node protocols and appear to an attached APPN or LEN node as a single network node. |
CO | central office | The telephone company's centralized switching facility, where subscriber loops terminate. The CO handles a specific geographical area (known as a local exchange), identified by the first "n" digits of the local elephone number. |
CoA | Care Of Address | Temporary IP Address used by a mobile user when roaming onto a foreign IP network. It is used within mobile IP and can either be leased from the HA (Home Agent) or FA (Foreign Agent) |
COAM | customer owned and maintained | User provided and serviced communications equipment and its associated wiring. |
coax | coaxial (cable) | Cable consisting of a hollow outer cylindrical conductor that surrounds a single inner wire conductor. |
COBIT | Control Objectives for Information and related Technologies | a comprehensive approach to good IT practices. In its third revision, it offers a wide range of tools, guidelines, standards and a control framework for the management of information technologies. |
COBOL | Common Business Orientated Language | Many mainframe computer applications were once written in this programming language. |
COCOMO | COnstructive COst MOdel | A technique for estimating the effort and duration of a software project based on its estimated size created by Barry Boehm |
CoDA | Context Delivery Architecture | an architectural style of business software that builds on SOA and event-driven architecture (EDA) interaction and partitioning styles, and that adds formal mechanisms for the software elements to discover and apply their context in real time. |
CODEC | coder/decoder or compressor-decompressor | A communications device used to convert analog signals to digital form for transmission over a digital medium, and back again to the original analog form. A codec is required at each end of the channel. |
COE | Component Object modEl | the fundamental class of Microsoft's attempt to defuse the growth of Java platform-independent code. |
COEs | centers of excellence | software management concept |
COIN | Community Of Interest Network | A COIN provides a way of giving members of a shared-interest community access to privileged information. |
COLD | computer output to laserdisc | A microfiche replacement system. COLD systems offer economies as a replacement medium when rapid or frequent access to archived documents is necessary. |
colo | co-location | Putting a web server in a dedicated facility that provides high-speed Internet connection, security, environment, backup power, and technical support. Unlike the dedicated server, the client controls both hardware and software. |
com (.com) | commercial | One of several top-level domains assigned to URLs that are of a commercial nature. Other domain suffixes include .ac, .co, .mil, .gov, .net, .org, and a long list of country codes. |
COMDEX | Computer Dealers Expo | A hardware and software exposition started in 1978, it has become the place to announce new product launches and to rub elbows with VCs and representatives from high-tech firms all over the world. In America, it takes place twice a year. |
COMPAQ | COMPatibilty And Quality | Used to refer to the fact that their computers were both IBM PC compatible and very reliable. In 2002, Compaq merged with Hewlett-Packard. |
COMPARE | Compliance Progress and Readiness | A scale introduced by Gartner in 1997 to assist business units, enterprises or business partners in measuring their progress toward year 2000 compliance. |
COMSAT | Communications Satellite Corporation | A United States company created by an act of Congress in 1962 to provide communications via satellites. COMSAT leases satellite circuits to many American companies. |
COOL | C++ Object Oriented Language | A Microsoft application development tool initiative and language; a predecessor to C#. |
COOP | Continuity of Operations Plan | outlines steps that an agency will take in the event a disaster interrupts business. Continuity plans require agencies to designate functions as essential or nonessential. |
COPPA | Children's Online Privacy Protection Act | Legislation passed by the U.S. Congress in 1998 prohibiting the use of unfair or deceptive practices to gather personal information about individuals under the age of 13. |
COR | central outdoor router | the central router in a multi-device WLAN. |
CORBA | Common Object Request Broker Architecture | a standard API for distributed object communication. CORBA was created by the Object Management Group. It is the most widely used distributed object standard for connecting operating system platforms from multiple vendors. HTTP://WWW.OMG.ORG. |
CORE | COMPARE Operational Readiness Evaluation | Gartner's CORE risk assessment and reporting steps are used to define business operational risks, to report risks to management, investors, regulators and customers in a consistent form, and to determine when contingency and recovery strategies are required. |
CORS | Continuously Operating Reference Station | network managed by the U.S. ofce of National Ocean Service (NOAA) to provide GNSS data consisting of carrier phase measurements throughout the United States. |
CoS | class of service | A classification method for providers to deliver different levels of QOS. Providers will typically offer a number of classes for different types of traffic, such as different COS for voice, video and data. |
COS | Cloud Optimized Storage | EMC's cloud platform Atmos |
COTS | commercial off-the-shelf | Descriptive term for software that can be purchased from an external supplier, as opposed to that which is developed within the enterprise. |
COW | Copy-On-Write | Part of a snapshot, and keeps track of disk changes since the snapshot was taken. |
CPA | Cost Per Action | for banner ads; the fee charged every time a user completes a desired action, such as filling out a form, downloading software, or viewing a series of pages. |
CPAN | Comprehensive Perl Archive Network | an archive of over 16,000 modules of software written in Perl, as well as documentation for it |
cPanel | control panel | industry standard web hosting control panel, cPanel provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for many Linux system administration tasks. |
CPE | customer premises equipment | Any telephone apparatus, including telephone handsets, PBX switching equipment, key and hybrid telephone systems, and add-on devices, that is physically located on a customer's property. |
CPF | Cloud Provisioning Fabric | portability between different clouds |
cpi | characters per inch | The number of characters printed horizontally within an inch across a page. |
CPLD | Complex Programmable Logic Device | A typical CPLD is the equivalent of two to 64 SPLDs. A CPLD typically contains from tens to a few hundred macrocells. |
CPM | corporate performance management | CPM includes the processes used to manage corporate performance, such as strategy formulation, budgeting and forecasting; the methodologies that drive some processes, including the balanced scorecard, or value-based management. |
CPN | calling party number | A set of digits and related indicators (type of number, numbering, plan identification, screening indicator, presentation indicator) that provide numbering information related to the calling party. |
CPNI | Customer Proprietary Network Information | Information which is available to a telephone company by virtue of the telephone company's basic service customer relationship. |
CPOE | Computerized Provider Order Entry | a computer application that allows a physician's orders for diagnostic and treatment services (such as medications, laboratory, and other tests) to be entered electronically instead of being recorded on order sheets or prescription pads. |
CPRM | Content Protection for Removable Media | a hardware-based technology designed to enforce copy protection restrictions through built-in mechanisms in storage media that would prevent unauthorized file copying. |
cps | Characters Per Second | Printing engine speed |
CPS | Continuous Protection Server | Backup exec option allows administrators to continuously capture and back up data changes to allow administrators to restore data to any point in time |
CPU | Call Pick Up Central Processing Unit Critical Patch Update |
CPU is PABX phone systems term The CPU controls the computer, runs all the programs on the computer and processes all of the data and can be thought of as the 'brain' of the computer. CPU is Oracle patch term |
CRACK | Challenge/Response Authentication of Cryptographic Key | a protocol for the secure exchange of keys, used by Nokia primarily. |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check | An error check in which the check key is generated by a cyclic algorithm |
CRL | certificate revocation list | A list of certificates that have been revoked before their scheduled expiration date. Certificate revocation lists are maintained by the certificate authority and used, during a SSL handshake to ensure that the certificates involved have not been revoked. |
CRLF | carriage return, line feed | a pair of ASCII codes, 13 and 10, that tell a terminal or printer to return to the beginning of the line and advance to the next line. |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management | CRM refers to solutions and strategies for managing businesses' relationships with customers. With the advent of Web retailing, companies have found it hard to develop relationships with customers since the e-commerce interface is so impersonal. |
CRMB | Customer Reference Material Database | IBM term |
cROI | companywide ROI | The incremental cash flow -- cost savings and revenues -- generated by online retail technology throughout a multichannel company. |
CRR | Continuous Remote Replication | Continuous Remote Replication |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube | CRT is the technology used in traditional computer monitors and televisions. The image on a CRT display is created by firing electrons from the back of the tube |
CRUD | Create, Read, Update, Delete | Used to describe access rights for data. |
crypto | Cryptography | The study of decryption and encryption technologies. |
CS |
CSCF | call session control function | CSCF is a functional entity within IMS and part of 3GPP UMTS Reference Architecture. |
CSCW | computer supported co-operative work | any technology system that relies on combinations of hardware and software resources to enable groups of people to collaborate and share technology. |
CSD | Cisco Secure Desktop | allows secure VPN connections from remote PCs and offers functionality to ensure PCs meet administrator approved |
CSE | custom search engine | The search engine that you create and customize using Google Custom Search. |
Csel | Cable Select | This is basically Plug-and-Play ATA. You plug in your ATA/IDE hard drives, set them to CSEL (Cable Select), and they determine whether they are master or slave automatically, saving you from manual configuration. |
CSFs |
critical success factors | critical success factors |
CSG | Communications Services Group | On May 1, 2009, TNS completed the acquisition of the CSG from VeriSign, Inc. |
CSMA/CA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance | CSMA/CA is the medium access method used by IEEE 802.11 WLANs. |
CSMA/CD | Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection | A protocol in which stations listen to the bus and only transmit when the bus is free. If a collision occurs, the packet is retransmitted after a random time-out. Ethernet uses CSMA/CD. |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheet | Cascading style sheets are used to format the layout of Web pages. They can be used to define text styles, table sizes, and other aspects of Web pages that previously could only be defined in a page's HTML. |
CSS-P | cascading style sheet positioning | Use of a cascading style sheet to position Web page elements using pixel locations or locations relative to other elements. |
CST | Consolidated Service Test | Enhances the way IBM tests and recommends maintenance packages for z/OS and OS/390 software, including the major subsystems |
CSW | channel status word | An area in storage used to indicate the status of a device and channel involved in an I/O operation. |
CT |
CTCp | Client-To-Client-Protocol | a feature of some IRC clients |
CTD | Cell Transfer Delay | A QoS parameter that measures the average time for a cell to be transferred from its source to its destination over a virtual channel (VC) connection. |
CTI | computer-telephony integration | The intelligent linking of computers with telephony, enabling coordinated voice and data transfers to the desktop. |
CTO | chief technology officer | The enterprise position responsible for managing technology infrastructure and resources, including technology deployment, network and system management, integration testing, and developing technical operations personnel. |
CTP | capable to promise | A system that allows an enterprise to commit orders against available capacity, as well as inventory. These systems are evolving to include multiple sites, as well as the entire distribution network. |
CTR | Click-Through Rate | Web publishers typically generate revenue from advertisers each time a visitor clicks on one of the advertisements |
ctrl | control | This refers to the Control key on your keyboard, it is often used for shortcuts. |
CTT | China Tietong Telecommunications | a major state-owned basic telecommunications operator in China. Its former name was China Railcom (China Railway Communication Corporation, Limited). |
CTX | Commited to Excellence | CTX Technology Corporation (Commited to Excellence) |
CUG | closed user group | In data communication, a group of users who can communicate with other users in the group, but not with users outside the group. A data terminal equipment (DTE) may belong to more than one closed user group. |
CUoD | Capacity Upgrade on Demand | An option available on certain IBM systems that allows a customer to activate additional processor capacity when needed. |
CUPS | Common Unix Printing System | Provides a portable printing layer for UNIX-based operating systems. It is developed by Easy Software Products to promote a standard printing solution and is the standard printing system in MacOS X and most Linux distributions |
CVP | Content Vectoring Protocol | A specification developed by Check Point Software, used for content screening and antivirus checking. |
CVSD | Continuous Variable Slope Delta modulation | A method of digit ally encoding speech using a one- bit sample to encode the difference between two successive signal levels, usually 32,000 times a second. |
CVV2 / CVC / CVC2 | Card Verification Value 2 / Card Verification Code /Card Validation Code 2 | The last part of the code above the signature strip on modern credit and debit cards, which is often required by online shops to verify that the card is genuine. |
CYMK | cyan, magenta, yellow, black | An abbreviation denoting the traditional four-color printing process; the name derives from the four ink colors used. The majority of printed color paper and photographic documents incorporate the CMYK process. |
C | programming language developed at Bell Laboratories in the 1970s, based on the two earlier languages B (1970) and BCPL (1967). | |
C# | pronounced “C sharp”, a programming language developed by Anders Hejlsberg (the developer of Turbo Pascal and Delphi) for Windows programming under Microsoft’s .NET Framework. | |
Cache | Pronounced "Cash". A temporary storage area for frequently accessed information. The cache shortens the time it takes to access this information, relieves the burden from the main memory, and increases the overall speed of applications. | |
carbon neutral | also called carbon neutrality, used to describe the action of organizations, businesses and individuals taking action to remove as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as each put in to it. | |
Carnivore | an Internet surveillance system developed for the U.S. FBI so that they could monitor the electronic transmissions of criminal suspects. Critics, however, charged that Carnivore did not include appropriate safeguards to prevent misuse and might violate the constitutional rights of the individual. The EPIC reported in early 2005 that the FBI had replaced Carnivore with other, unspecified surveillance software from commercial sources. | |
carrier | A network operator may market any number of communication services for voice and data. Carriers offer their services to both end-customers (private or business) and other carriers. In the latter case, the service simply consists of transport capacity for long-distance traffic. | |
Cascade |
CE | CE-marking is a European Union regulatory community sign. It symbolizes the compliance of the product with all essential requirements relating to safety, public health, consumer protection. | |
Centrex | A service provided from a reserved section of the main public exchange that has been reprogrammed to act as if it were the exclusive PBX of an individual user, in other words a 'virtual' PBX. | |
certificate | Digital representation of user or device attributes, including a public key, that is signed with an authoritative private key. | |
Channel Bank | Channel terminal equipment used for combining (multiplexing) channels on a frequency-division or time-division basis. | |
chip | a miniaturized electronic circuit that has been manufactured in the surface of a thin substrate of semiconductor material | |
Chrome | a powerful Google browser that loads Web pages quickly and accurately. | |
cipher | A cryptographic algorithm used to encrypt data that is unreadable until converted into plain data with a predefined key. | |
clear channel | A channel that uses out-of-band signaling (as opposed to in-band signaling), so the channel's entire bit rate is available. | |
cloud computing | Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. These services are broadly divided into three categories: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). | |
cluster | process of connecting multiple servers together in order to provide greater overall system availability, performance, and capacity for your server platforms. | |
compiler | A software-development tool that translates high-level language programs into the machine-language instructions that a particular processor can understand and execute. | |
Computer-Brain Interface | interpret distinct brain patterns, shifts and signals as commands that can be used to guide a computer or other device. | |
concurrent | A way to measure the usage of software licenses. Rather than limiting usage based on the number of people who are entitled to use the software, a concurrent-use license places a limit on the number of people who may do so simultaneously. | |
Convergence | The consolidation of all communications - voice, data and video - onto a single network infrastructure. | |
Cookie | a piece of information sent by a Web Server to a Web Browser that the Browser software is expected to save and to send back to the Server whenever the browser makes additional requests from the Server. | |
Craigslist | Craigslist is a centralized network of online communities featuring free online classified advertisements, with sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, for sale, services, community, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums. | |
Cut-through | Technique for examining incoming packets where Ethernet switch looks only at first few bytes of packet before forwarding or filtering it. Faster than looking at whole packet but allows some bad packets to be forwarded. | |
Cursor | The representation of the mouse on the screen. It may take many different shapes. Example: I-beam, arrow pointer, and hand. |